Women In Suits

Women In Suits

Monday, 13 April 2015

Real Beauty

I don’t know if commercials and campaigns ever inspire you but I’m definitely inspired by campaigns that value women. There are two famous campaigns that really stand out for me.

      First, the Be Strong and Shine campaign by Pantene.
This commercial (link above) basically shows how women are typically labelled. It shows a man and a woman doing the same activity but are labelled differently. A man in corporate is called a boss while a woman is called bossy. A man working afterhours is seen as dedicated while a woman is seen as selfish. Other contrasting labels such as persuasive versus pushy and smooth versus show off are also shown in the commercial. The message given at the end of commercial is that you should not let labels hold you back.  
     Second, is the Real Beauty campaign by Dove
This is probably one of the most touching videos I have seen. It is about how women perceive themselves compared to how other people see them. In the video, women see themselves as less attractive than they actually are. How sad is that? I wonder how many of us actually have that perception as well. We hardly see ourselves as beautiful until someone tells us we are and sometimes we don’t believe it when we are told we are beautiful.

For me beauty is more than how the world perceives us or how we have been labelled. It’s about what makes us unique and sets us apart and that is what we should embrace!


  1. I think Dove really managed to spread the message of Real Beauty, the campaign was success.

  2. Michelle Njoroge20 April 2015 at 03:56

